Tuesday 11 September 2012

Future of SEO Business in the world of Panda and Penguin

Every time Google rolls out a new algorithm update, article after article is posted online about how the latest changes represent "the end of SEO as we know it." No matter how many of these articles are written or how many adjustments Google makes, search engine optimization is still alive and well -- and will continue to be. No doubt a lot many expert, smart webmasters also felt the jolt of these updates and are still struggling hard to recover the lost rankings of their sites. But the experts of the SEO services who have understood their basics well know that these updates are merely an indication that the Industry is now evolving. So if you’re stuck and refuse to move beyond focusing on a couple of keywords, it shouldn’t be news to you that your sailing ship is bound to sink in deep waters, sooner or later. This is why coping with the changing set-up is your best bet to survive this phase. Although there’s no definite way that can be pinpointed to seal the higher rankings of your website, there sure are a few conclusions that experts swear by after the catastrophic Panda and Penguin update to ensure a safe SEO bet for your websites in future: 

Over Optimization Will Not Be Tolerated
If you are feeling reassured at having been spared despite your practices of over optimization, then remember that sooner or later, the axe will fall on your website too. The hunt is not yet over. As there is no demarcation between ‘over-optimization’ and ‘on-page optimization’, genuine websites will also be affected, even if they are completely ethical. The risk of being penalized is always there. So, what one has to do is instead of concentrating on the page rankings, shift the focus on improving the content quality of the site and visitor’s experiences. Encourage the interaction of your visitors with various factors on your website. 

Collect visitor engagement points

Earlier, visitor engagement has not been a priority for many. But, with the updates, it is time that one pays more attention to it. Google is judging the relevance of the website by the traffic on it. So, ensure that if visitors should find your website useful, they should not leave silently. They should show their engagement by sharing your website or the content with others on social networking or by leaving comments. This will say a lot about one’s site’s popularity and usefulness. 

Have good quality content on the website Nothing can substitute good quality content. The quality of the content is very important. This is something that everyone knew and still ignored in favor of other rank building techniques. Websites with pages rich in keywords and plagiarized content, are the worst hit and may never recover. It is time to change one’s tactics and have good quality content on one’s site. This will ensure that the site is always safe Google updates, now or in the future. There’s no need for you to be all pessimistic and feel helpless after the algorithm updates. These are points that were known earlier too but have been ignored in favor of techniques that can get good SERPs in a short time. Forget the long-established practices that have been used by the SEO services in India and start again.